Check our quality!
Test the Winncare equipment before purchase

1. Contact us

Write, call or fill in the contact form. Our representative will contact you to inquire about your needs. On this basis, he will prepare an offer and advise you on the most suitable Winncare products for your clinic and patients.

2. Test

Our representative will demonstarte how the tested Winncare equipment facilitates the daily work and will train your employees to use it. Then, you will have a few weeks (the length of the testing period is determined individually) to try the equipment out. If there are any questions or doubts, the Winncare representative will be at your disposal. 

3. Decide

When the tests are over, it’s time to decide. Has our equipment improved the safety and comfort of your employees and patients? If so, decide to buy it. If you find that your facility needs something different, you can try out other models and return the equipment tested previously without any consequences. 

Our representatives


ZASIĘG W REGIONIE: łódzkie, świętokrzyskie, małopolskie, podkarpackie

Gabriel KolasaKey Account Specialist

ZASIĘG W REGIONIE: dolnośląskie, opolskie, śląskie

Dariusz BogdanowiczKey Account Specialist

ZASIĘG W REGIONIE: zachodniopomorskie, pomorskie, lubuskie, wielkopolskie, kujawsko-pomorskie

Maciej PestaKey Account Specialist

ZASIĘG W REGIONIE: warmińsko-mazurskie, podlaskie, mazowieckie, lubelskie

Szukasz wiedzy o opiece i rehabilitacji?
Odwiedź Akademię Winncare

Would you like to know more about the care for patients with mobility impairments and their rehabilitation? Take a class with the Winncare Academy